Category: Eco-friendly Urban Development

smart city

Top 10 IoT and Smart City Trends to Watch in 2024

The interconnected realms of the Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Big Data continue to redefine the way technology and individuals engage, fostering unique and profound experiences. In 2024, smart cities stand at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging data and digital technologies to enhance resident services and address public issues. The result is improved mobility, connectivity, access, societal awareness, reduced violence, and sustainability.


ASCIF’s Visionary Stance at COP28: Fostering Smart Cities and Climate Resilience in Africa

The grandeur of COP28 in Dubai was not merely confined to the towering structures of Expo City; it extended into the thought-provoking discussions that unfolded during ASCIF’s side event on December 5th, 2023. Aptly themed “The Key to Effective Climate Adaptation in Africa,” the session, artfully moderated by Ambassador Christine Mhone, transcended the realms of conventional discourse. It delved deep into the symbiotic relationship between climate adaptation, the trajectory of future urbanism, and the emergence of smart cities across the vast African landscape.

Setting the Stage:



Climate change poses a significant threat to our planet, and as we often envision melting ice sheets and vanishing forests, the vulnerability of our cities cannot be overlooked. In Africa, where a substantial portion of the population resides in urban areas, the impact of climate change is keenly felt. This blog post explores how smart city innovations can fortify Africa’s cities against the risks of climate change, using case studies from various African cities.